Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Kor'kron Dark Shaman
·         Focus DPS on Darkfang and Bloodclaw at the start of the fight. Once they are dead, switch to the bosses.
·         Cleave and multi-DoT whenever it is a DPS gain for your class, since the bosses share health.
·         When Foul Slimes spawn, ranged DPS players should kill them immediately.
·         If assigned to do so (ranged DPS player only), kite the Foul Slimes in such a way that they do not pass through the raid, until they are killed.

As hunter you will be hitting Wavebinder Kardris

/tar Wavebinder Kardris
/script UIErrorsFrame:

she will summon Foul Slime that you need to AOE as soon as you can plus CC

/tar Foul Slime
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

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