Tuesday, December 31, 2013

OK here some macro that works on current wow.
You can copy and paste these macros to u macro on wow .

Focus kill

/tar focus
/use Hunter's Mark
/cast Kill Command
/use Dash
/use Charge
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()


#showtooltip Mend Pet
/cast Cower
/cast Last Stand
/cast Bullheaded
/cast Heart of the Phoenix
/cast Mend Pet
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

 How to add stuff to u shots

#showtooltip cobra shot
/use Kafa Press
/cast cobra shot

#showtooltip explosive shot
/use virmen's  bite
/cast explosive shot

Siegecrafter Blackfuse

/targetexact Siegecrafter Blackfuse
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

Crawler mine
/target [target=target, harm, nodead, exists][target=targettarget, harm, nodead, exists][target=party1, nodead, exists]
/targetexact  Crawler Mine
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

On combayer belt

/target [target=target, harm, nodead, exists][target=targettarget, harm, nodead, exists][target=party1, nodead, exists]
/targetexact Disassembled Crawler Mines
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()