OK as wow today things have change on way of macros, yes , wow change the way macros work .
Is 2 different ways to do a hold rotation one buttom macro
ONE is with macro tool kit
This is the old way and dont work to good these days on wow.
The second way is using gnomesequencer addon and macros and is the way works the best.
HOW to use it movies http://wowlazymacros.com/forums/topic/gnome-sequencer-3/ guy slow but explains good
Were to get the macro for u class
WOW LAZY MACROS http://wowlazymacros.com/
U go into forums and see u class and pick that forum , and look at the macros. U copy and paste on you gnomesequencer folder were the macros supossed to be.
The sequencer gets install into wow / interface / addons on what ever driver u have wow install.
at first looks harder , but is easy and is just copy and paste.
Why u want it , cause you can kick some butt with it .
As hunter I am highly mobile, yes my zep moves like he has ants on his pants , BM for Bgs and Surv for raids . Choose BM cause pick of different pets for occacion.
Is 2 different ways to do a hold rotation one buttom macro
ONE is with macro tool kit
This is the old way and dont work to good these days on wow.
The second way is using gnomesequencer addon and macros and is the way works the best.
HOW to use it movies http://wowlazymacros.com/forums/topic/gnome-sequencer-3/ guy slow but explains good
Were to get the macro for u class
WOW LAZY MACROS http://wowlazymacros.com/
U go into forums and see u class and pick that forum , and look at the macros. U copy and paste on you gnomesequencer folder were the macros supossed to be.
The sequencer gets install into wow / interface / addons on what ever driver u have wow install.
at first looks harder , but is easy and is just copy and paste.
Why u want it , cause you can kick some butt with it .
As hunter I am highly mobile, yes my zep moves like he has ants on his pants , BM for Bgs and Surv for raids . Choose BM cause pick of different pets for occacion.
Spirit beast self heals macro
Will heal you , or heal u focus or what ever u want.
Will auto heals u
heal u focus u press shift + macro buttom
heal the pet , press alt + macro buttom
and so on, just read the macro and u will see what u can heal with it.
#showtooltip Spirit Mend
/cast [mod:shift, @focus] Spirit Mend; [mod:alt, @pet] Spirit Mend; [mod:ctrl, @targettarget] Spirit Mend; [@player] Spirit Mend
Will auto heals u
heal u focus u press shift + macro buttom
heal the pet , press alt + macro buttom
and so on, just read the macro and u will see what u can heal with it.
#showtooltip Spirit Mend
/cast [mod:shift, @focus] Spirit Mend; [mod:alt, @pet] Spirit Mend; [mod:ctrl, @targettarget] Spirit Mend; [@player] Spirit Mend
Simple miss direct macro .
/cast [@focus,exists][@pet,exists] Misdirection #showtooltip Misdirection /cast [target=focus, exists, nodead],[target=pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection #showtooltip Misdirection /cast [@focus, help] [@pet, nodead, exists] Misdirection